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More Hair With The Power of Peptides and Antioxidants.

Arrest Hair Loss

Thicken Existing Hair

Grow New Hair

Exclusive Offers

90-Day Starter Supply

3x Folitin Bottles FREE Derma Roller 22% Discount Applied Save over $150 $895 $699
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30-day returns if unopened in the package.

6 Month Solution

5x Folitin Bottles FREE Derma Roller FREE Scalp Massager 26% Discount Applied Save over $200 $1,495 $1,100
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30-day returns if unopened in the package.

Single Folitin Bottle

1x Folitin Bottle Code SUSAN Saves 10% Save over 10% $287.99 $259.20
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30-day returns if unopened in the package.


Targeting Hair Health with Multi-Pathway Action

Every peptide within the blend plays a different role in the formulation to address various pathways and mechanisms involved in the cycle of hair loss and hair growth. Some of them included (but are not limited to):
  • Reduction of pro-inflammatory cytokine production, creating a more anti-inflammatory environment for the individual hair follicles
  • Promotion of angiogenesis (formation of new blood vessels) to ensure more oxygen and essential nutrients are delivered to follicles more rapidly
  • Increased collagen production
  • Enhanced tissue repair around damaged areas of the scalp
  • Release of growth factors that normalize the cycle of hair growth
  • Protection from oxidative damage caused by stress-inducing mediators and reactive oxygen species
  • Improved ability to fight back against follicular miniaturization, improving hair shaft quality and follicle strength
Susan Bratton, Intimacy Expert To Millions

What is Folitin?

Folitin is a non-prescription topical formulation consisting of a proprietary blend of therapeutic peptides developed by Entera. Using the latest advancements in science while studying the multiple pathways for hair loss, Folitin attempts to address a problem that continues to affect millions of men and women globally, More importantly, the Folitin solution avoids the harsher side effects of today’s traditional treatments. Each of the ingredients in Folitin are precisely engineered in the right dose and combination to ensure they work synergistically to optimize follicular hair health. Some of the active peptides and molecules used in the blend include three different variations of the copper peptide GHK-Cu, growth factors, antioxidants, tissue repair peptides, and growth factors. Every peptide within the blend plays a different role in the formulation to address various pathways and mechanisms involved in the cycle of hair loss and hair growth.

Rejuvenating the hair and scalp with the power of peptides

“Think of peptides as a key and a lock. Peptides are the key that unlock the body’s own regenerative capabilities, restoring the health of the scalp and follicles to deliver hair regrowth.” Nick Andrews, Entera Skincare Founder

Most conventional treatments towards hair loss today:

Hair Loss Oversight

Address only one mechanism of hair loss while ignoring other critical pathways and downstream biochemical cascades (such as fibrosis, chronic inflammation, blood flow to follicle microvasculature, etc.).

Risk of Relapse

Result in rapid hair loss or reversion upon cessation of treatment, requiring lifelong use to maintain what may be unsatisfactory results and perhaps lead to an unsustainable financial commitment.

Nasty Side Effects

Administration of certain treatments can lead to a spectrum of potential side effects, spanning from mild discomforts to severe intolerances that can significantly impact daily life.

Get Started with Exclusive Offers to Friends of Susan

90-Day Starter Supply

3x Folitin Bottles FREE Derma Roller 22% Discount Applied Save over $150 $895 $699
Pay over time
30-day returns if unopened in the package.

6 Month Solution

5x Folitin Bottles FREE Derma Roller FREE Scalp Massager 26% Discount Applied Save over $200 $1,495 $1,100
Pay over time
30-day returns if unopened in the package.

Single Folitin Bottle

1x Folitin Bottle Code SUSAN Saves 10% Save over 10% $287.99 $259.20
Pay over time
30-day returns if unopened in the package.

Doctor Certified

From Dr. Cooley, board-certified dermatologist

A pivotal paper published in 2017 is now only starting to unearth the following paradigm:
“The reason for lack of sustained, comprehensive, efficacious, and side effect-free therapies to date, may be the underappreciation of the impact and interplay of the multiple factors that influence the immunology and signaling pathways that regulate hair follicle biology. This view has led to the design and development of drugs that target only single mechanisms, as exemplified by finasteride that inhibits production of dihydrotestosterone (DHT). However, recent research suggests that hair loss is multi-factorial and there may be more similarities than differences across the hair loss disorder spectrum. There is mounting evidence that just like most multigenic, chronic systemic and cutaneous disorders, hair loss is the result of an accumulation of multiple factors – genetic and environmental – that lead to the final molecular pathophysiology resulting in dysregulation of signaling pathways and inappropriate immune and inflammatory responses.”
Folitin attempts to address these problems by addressing multiple core dysfunctions that often reinforce each other via a serious of biochemical cascades. This allows it to become a much more individualized modality as hair loss sufferers can find that one or more dysfunctions are at the root of their hair loss suffering. Instead of artificially forcing or stimulating a single mechanism of action, the regenerative peptides within Folitin are the same signaling molecules used by your body to naturally instruct it through the cycle of hair loss and hair growth. As a result, the fundamental structures around the hair and the scalp are rebuilt and this may lead to longer-lasting treatment results.
Featured Reviews

What our customers say

Active Subscriber!
After a major surgery, I noticed my hair thinning and even coming out when I washed it. I had been warned that might happen, but it was still awful to experience. A friend told me about Folitin and I gave it a try and was so happy I did. After about a month of use, there was no more hair loss and it started to thicken up again.
Active Subscriber!
I have a thyroid condition that negatively impacts my hair and I’ve tried everything to get it to grow and thicken. I tried just about everything over-the-counter, vitamins, and even prescription stuff. I quit the prescription hair growth options because of side effects. After about six weeks of using Folitin, my hairdresser noticed a positive change in my hair and I actually started to cry. I can’t believe I finally found something that really works!
Active Subscriber!
We have several genetic conditions in my family line that cause hair thinning and balding. I already had some knowledge about peptides and when I heard about this topical peptide product, I was really excited because I know peptides work. I wasn’t wrong. Folitin is working and the boost to my ego is pretty amazing.

Frequently Asked Questions

Browse our top questions below

Can I expect a complete reversal of any hair loss and 100% total hair regrowth that permanently lasts forever with just Folitin alone?

Unfortunately, due to the complex nature of hair loss, we cannot make any absolute guarantees about outcomes such as:
  • The rate at which your current rate of hair loss will slow down
  • The rate at which new hairs will form on your scalp
Furthermore, there are numerous factors that heavily influence the results you will get:
  • Your current state of cellular health
  • Your lifestyle habits (nutrition, sleep, exercise, etc.)
  • Gender -- women (4-6 weeks) will generally see a faster appearance of noticeable results than men (2-3 months)
  • Gender -- women (4-6 weeks) will generally see a faster appearance of noticeable results than men (2-3 months)
  • Existing medications that may exacerbate the current rate of hair thinning
  • Genetics (certain genes making individuals more susceptible to various manifestations of hair loss at different stages of their lives)
  • The root cause(s) of the hair loss itself, which can range from singular to multi-fold
  • Chronically elevated levels of physical/emotional stress can lead to increased hair shedding
  • Systemic inflammation around hair follicles can lead to miniaturization and hair loss (arising from factors such as environmental pollutants, UV radiation, and scalp irritation)
  • Buildup of fibrous tissue around hair follicles that interferes with normal hair growth (fibrosis)
  • Oxidative stress from production of reactive oxygen species, which themselves commonly result from toxin exposure, aging, and inadequate nutrition
  • Insufficient nutrient intake (vitamins, protein, iron, etc.)
  • Poor scalp care that decreases blood circulation and leads to further inflammation (for instance, no cleansing, massaging)
No single hair loss modality will work for every single person and Folitin is no exception to this rule. For this reason, it is always best to consult with a qualified physician before or during the use of Folitin to discover which factors are most responsible for your present state of hair follicle health.

So does this mean I have to use Folitin for life like every other hair loss treatment protocol?

While Folitin can accelerate how quickly one sees results and how long said results last, there is no such thing as a “one-and-done” product. It is entirely possible to see a gradual disappearance of results after long periods of Folitin cessation and we have seen this in people with heavy genetic predispositions to moderate/severe hair loss in the absence of treatment. For this reason, it is recommended to run a “cycle” of Folitin every few months once the desired level of hair growth (or halting of current hair loss) has been achieved.

What side effects should I expect when using Folitin?

Due to the stimulation of natural biological processes, Folitin is not designed to cause hormonal system disruption and theoretically lead to the lack of side effects. However, as previously stated, Folitin’s success is ultimately determined by the cellular health of the end user. We have had rare cases where skin reactions can occur upon topical use. This is normally observed in patients with an underlying autoimmune condition. Should this happen to you, cease use of Folitin immediately and contact your healthcare provider. Ferritin may or may not be appropriate for you in this instance.

Can I use Folitin alone and stop using whatever treatment options I am using right now? Or can this be paired with my current protocol for addressing hair loss?

We highly encourage you to continue using whatever hair loss treatment medications or procedures you are using right now. Folitin’s unique ability to address the major pitfalls of traditional hair loss therapies comes in two forms:
1) The improvements, whether for slowing down hair loss or promoting synthesis of new hair follicles, are amplified when Folitin is used alongside your existing hair loss treatment(s).
2) The improvements will last for far longer compared to using either Folitin or your current treatment protocol alone.
We strongly believe that the challenging nature of addressing hair loss makes it so that having more effective tools at your disposal will tackle several root causes of hair loss simultaneously.

How should I properly use Folitin for best results?

Folitin is a high-concentration formula designed to be applied directly to the scalp in very tiny amounts. Simply apply 2-3 DROPS to the affected area(s) of your scalp and gently massage the scalp for 30 seconds. This only needs to be repeated daily for regrowing hair, and 1-3 times per week if one desires to merely maintain their current hairstyle. We strongly recommend your scalp is clean and dry before application. Ideally after one takes a shower, or 3 hours prior to a shower, are the two best times to ensure maximal absorption of Folitin into the scalp. If possible, microneedling and dermarolling immediately following the use of Folitin is recommended. This will improve absorption of Folitin’s active ingredients and their depth of penetration into your scalp, increasing the likelihood of improved results.

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